
Lilies, Hydrangea, Crawlers, and Fliers!

The rise of the lilies is here! So far, four types of lilies have bloomed and I'm expecting at least two more types to come out in the coming days.

While I'm outside photographing flowers, I always try to keep an eye out for the little critters that roam around. These little guys usually move too fast for me to capture but sometimes, they'll hang around for just long enough. We'll start off with flies, which are usually annoying as can; however as a photographic subject, they can be quite interesting. The first two flies were found perched on top of morning glory leaves, basking in the morning sun.

The next two flies were hanging out on some hydrangea bushes. These were smaller than the two previous flies and move quickly. Oddly enough, they seemed to repeatedly return to the same hydrangea flower or leaf that they rested on. The compound eyes of insects is mesmerizing and I hope to capture a close-up view of them this summer.

Speaking of eyes, this daddy longlegs also has two of them. If you're asking yourself "How come? isn't it a spider?", then here's the answer: no! Daddy longlegs are arachnids but not spiders. Sure they have 8 legs but they only have a single pair of eyes and two body sections (spiders have 8 eyes and three body sections).

Now that we've taken care of the insects, here are some pictures of various types of hydrangea around the yard. The first photo below has a "lacecap flower" arrangement and the fertile flowers can be seen on the right side of the photo. The other two appear to have sterile flowers only but are elegant nonetheless.

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