
Supermoon and Thorns

Earlier this month on March 19, as most of you probably heard on the news, the Moon reach its closest distance to the Earth in 18 years. This perigee coincided with the "full moon" phase, giving stargazers a chance to view a supermoon. In the days before, I did some research into moon-photography and preset my trusty DMC-FZ35 in preparation of capturing the supermoon. In times like this, one can really appreciate the 18x zoom lens on the FZ35. Here are a couple of shots from that chilly night:

The photography above was actually taken by accident since the camera focused on the tree branches rather than the moon. Accident or not, I still like how it came out. Below is a full-zoom view of the supermoon. While the FZ35 was not able to capture all of the details of the moon, it performed quite acceptably for a small-sensor camera. With the 18x lens, I effectively had 486mm of reach in terms of 35mm equivalence.

Perigee-syzygy goodness

Over here in NY, it still feels more like Winter than Spring. Just a couple of minutes ago, the news mentioned snow in the weekend weather forecast! Nonetheless, with a bit of wandering around in the backyard, there are still things to be found as subjects. Below are some close-up photos of thorns from a rose bush:

It was hard trying to get the autofocus to lock onto the thorns since it there was a breeze causing the rose bush to sway. I'm not sure why but the thorns fascinated me so I spent some time trying to get the best focus I could.

This concludes today's entry. Spring is upon us so there will be a lot more things to photograph. Stay tuned!

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