Another post! As it turns out, I took over 1,500 photographs over the Memorial Day long weekend. How I managed to do so, I am not completely sure since for two of those days, I was in the city hanging out with friends. This hot weather of late has really brought out a lot of flowers, which is good timing since I won't be around till next weekend.
Let's start today off with a couple of photos with hidden little critters. Both photos are of peonies, albeit different varieties. An unidentified cricket-like insect was crawling around in the first flower while an and was playing hide-and-go-seek in the second peony.
The next three photos are also of peonies. It's prime-time for peonies right now and the front/backyards are full of them. Compositionally, the more petals a peony has, the closer the shot I like to take. I'm not sure why but that's the trend I've noticed. How do you guys feel about this?
Next, we have a few shots of poppy flowers. In the last post, we had the orange Oriental poppy and today, we have a pink one. Last year, there was more of the pink variety and this year, it's the opposite. The pink ones open up pretty much all the way while the orange ones tend to remain like a ball.
Like with the other flowers, we have several different types of clematis in the gardens. The below is a close-up of a variety that has not been shown in the other posts. This variety is relatively larger than the others and has wide, flat petals.
The next two photos are of a clematis variety presented in previous posts. This variety's intricate petals have a mesmerizing effect one me and I can't help but take more photos of them.
This last clematis photo is of the pink variety, which was the first of all the clematis to bloom. As a result, they're also the first to wilt. But fear not, all is not melancholic as even in its end, this flower still commands a certain beauty.
Finally, we have some roses. There's a variety of roses at home - some are rather large while others are tiny. It's hard to tell which is which size in these photos since I have a tendency to take close-up shots. It rained this morning out on the Island, so there was some water droplets on the rose petals.
Well, we've reached the conclusion of today's post. I'm happy to have captured these beautiful flowers in pixel form now and to not have missed them blooming. With any luck, there will be new flowers out for when I return later this week. Till, then!